Introduction to the Acoustic Diversity Index (ADI)

Over the last three years of maintaining this blog, there’s been a conspicuous absence in the acoustic index toolkit presented so far. Whilst the Bioacoustic Index (BI), Acoustic Complexity Index (ACI) and Normalised Difference Soundscape Index (NDSI) have been introduced and demonstrated across given case studies, the Acoustic Diversity Index (ADI) hasn’t been covered toContinue reading “Introduction to the Acoustic Diversity Index (ADI)”

Two new (relevant) videos

Happy new year everyone! It’s been fairly quiet on here and there’s a second instalment on the AudioMoth deployment at Lady Bay Reef which is currently in the works. This has taken much longer than expected to pull together, largely owing to going out too deep (pardon the pun) and having to rein myself inContinue reading “Two new (relevant) videos”

Batch time compression and crossfade with Audacity and Python

If you’ve found this post and want to jump to the solution I’ve developed, go for it and find it further down this post – I shall not be offended. However, if you’re a regular reader of this blog and you’d like some background on why I looked into developing this process, please read ahead.Continue reading “Batch time compression and crossfade with Audacity and Python”

Lady Bay Reef Survey: Part 1 – tides, seagrass and acoustic complexity

As I’d indicated in my previous post, following the interesting outcome of the October 2022 AudioMoth deployment on Lady Bay reef, I intended to return and deploy a pair of AudioMoths to make further observations of the reef’s underwater environment. You can go back to the previous post if you want a more detailed overviewContinue reading “Lady Bay Reef Survey: Part 1 – tides, seagrass and acoustic complexity”

Acoustic detection in monitoR – an overview

Up to now on this blog I’ve been exploring acoustic ecology and data science tools mostly within the context of acoustic indices, regular events occurring in a time series and trend-based analysis. This time around, I thought I would introduce an R package developed by Sasha D. Hafner and Jon Katz called monitoR. Its primaryContinue reading “Acoustic detection in monitoR – an overview”

Introduction to ACI & BI: a dawn recording use case

In this post I’m going provide an introduction to some features of the soundecology package developed by Luis J. Villanueva-Rivera and Bryan C. Pijanowski. This will be the first of several intended posts that will explore the potential of this and other packages for analysing and quantifying audio data. In essence, the soundecology package computesContinue reading “Introduction to ACI & BI: a dawn recording use case”

An introduction

Hi there! I’m an Adelaide-based sound artist, acoustic ecologist and composer. What am I doing writing about data science you ask? Well, that’s a bit of a convoluted story, but here’s the rundown: my employer (CSIRO) recently set up a Data School program for employees, with a branch of its studies dedicated to data scienceContinue reading “An introduction”

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